Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Most Surprising/Interesting Facts

The facts that I found most interesting or surprising while conducting my research, was some of the reasons for the fall of Rome, for example the introduction of Christianity, I never knew this was one of the resons for the fall of Rome, but it was because it made many Romans turn into pacifists making it hard to defend against the Barbarian attackers. Another interesting fact about some of the reasons for the fall of Rome is the decline in morals and values, those morals and values that kept together the Roman legions and thus the empire could not be maintained towards the end of the empire. Crimes of violence made the streets of the larger cities unsafe. Even during PaxRomana there were 32,000 prostitutes in Rome. Emperors like Nero and Caligula became infamous for wasting money on lavish parties where guests ate and drank until they became ill.

A surprising fact that I found was the fact that the overrall national deficit for the U.S. is $ 9.5 trillion about $31,000 per U.S. resident. The United States has had public debt since its inception. Debts incurred during the American Revolutionary War and under the Articles of Confederation led to the first yearly reported value of $75,463,476.52 on January, 1791. Over the following 45 years, the debt grew, briefly contracted to zero on January , 1835 under President Andrew Jackson but then quickly grew into the millions again. Those are the fact that I found Interesting and surprising while I was conducting my research.http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/


Jeff said...

Expand on this post a bit. Use a picture. Link to everyone else, and give the links a name, perhaps the title of the blog.

Mercy has several links on her page:


Lira said...

hum.... your own and my own is little bit different

SML =) fly high =) said...

I like your essay..^^

(I'm Semi Lee from 3rd period leave me some comments!!!!)

Sujin said...

hey Devin!
I like your essay!
comment me back!

luckyj16 said...

good job on the blog Dev, comment me and to every one as well!

Jeff said...

Center your title. I'm not seeing the next entry. Jazz it up a little also.

Jeff said...

Christianity as a cause of the fall of Rome is not a fact, it's an opinion -- probably an ancient one. There is also a long history of Christians not exactly being pacifists. Do a little more research on those points.